Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Planning Stages

THAT is going to be an AI construct planet in our current solar system. It will be a place to test out completely the corona of Earth's rapidly evolving post-literate society. THAT is my first attempt at designing a planet. It currently exists as conception but is rapidly becoming a reality. I know very little about technology or geology but am capable of learning.

Who am I? My name is Michael Jacobson. I was born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota USA. Now, I currently reside in Minneapolis. I am a writer of wordless books with 4 projects completed: The Giant's Fence, Action Figures, The Paranoia Machine, and Mynd Eraser. There is a gallery of asemic writing I curate dubbed The New Post-Literate. I am also an editorial board member of

Why a planet? A basic answer is I need a place to put my stuff. I am currently homeless and couch surfing. This condition, to put it bluntly, sucks! I am also thinking that THAT might be the first intergalactic homeless shelter.

More tomorrow.

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